Sunday, May 25, 2014

Uncomfortable? Good.

Uncomfortable? Good.
"You weren't made for comfort; you were made for greatness." Pope Benedict XVI

(As you read, remember that I am no expert. I write as someone in the midst of trials, and I pray that Christ uses the insight He gives me to work in you).

At a young age, you were taught to stay in school, do exceedingly well in high school, go to college, and study until you receive a degree for a well-paid job. Who cares if it’s something you love doing or not! You’ll get paid well…
 It’s something that our whole nation strives for: “comfort.” Goals and dreams are wonderful, but it’s prominent for you to ask yourself a few questions. “What is at the root of this dream of mine?” “Why do I have such goals that I cannot imagine falling short of?” “Is it because I want to make sure that I hold the reigns in my life, that I remain in control, that I never lose comfort?”
I don’t know about you, but quite often in my life, the answer to that third question is yes. If that’s the case, it is important to remember where we come from and Who is actually in control. Jesus didn’t walk through life looking for ways to make His next day a little easier. The sole purpose of His mission was to be united to God through prayer and bring lost souls to His Father. He woke up each day knowing what His future was: The Cross. Comfortable? Far from it.
We must have the same mission, and more often than not, it won’t bring warm and fuzzy feelings, but indeed it will bring us truth, freedom, and salvation.

Sometimes I put aside what God is really asking me to do so that I can do something a little more comfortable. One day in prayer, as I was trying to rationalize with God, I had many excuses.  He spoke to my little, restless heart, “Take up your cross and follow me.” (Matthew 16:24) .BAM. Open ears. Scripture makes it a little harder to continue giving God “buts” and “what ifs.”

(Life isn’t easy)
It isn't comfortable to simply say grace at a table with your friends that haven't seen this side of you before. Christ said, “Whoever disowns me before others, I will deny before my Father.” Matthew 10:33. Bold, yes, but He will give you strength.
It's hard to politely ask your coworkers or peers to stop gossiping about one another, no matter how simple the comment may be. It would have been easier to participate in the conversation. “Blessed are the peacemakers: for they shall be called the children of God.”
It isn't comfortable to break up with your boyfriend/girlfriend because you've come to realize that he/she isn't defending your purity. There are still virtuous men and women of God who will fight to defend your soul. Don’t settle because it would be easier than a breakup. Seek Sainthood. “Jesus came to restore creation to the purity of its origins” (CCC 2336).
Forgiving someone over and over again is painful. It will make you feel quite low to continue loving through the pain. “Jesus, grant me the grace to desire that others may be loved more than I.”
You had a heck of a long day. Praying Night Prayer is the last thing you feel like doing, but you do it anyway. It isn't easy or comfortable, but it’s love. “From the love of my own comfort… Deliver me, O God.” –Audrey Assad
It's uncomfortable to recognize the areas that satan has a hold of in your life and to bring these into the light. It will bring about true humility, vulnerability, and freedom.
It is hard. Hard to let your heart break over and over again, but your heart must break to allow Christ in. Your heart must open to release your old habits. You must be vulnerable with the people you love and the people you hurt, with tears in front of a crowd, with the actions you just committed- if bad, seeking forgiveness. Vulnerability is self-surrendering. Remember… “When you pray ‘Thy Kingdom Come,’ that means that your kingdom has to go.” –Mark Hart
Suffering is far from comfortable. I pray that you would be able to lay your suffering at the foot of the Cross and ask Christ to use it to atone for the souls in purgatory.
Suffering is the closest you'll ever be to the embrace of Christ crucified. Embrace of a Savior who wants to remove your faults, fears, and unclean desires. Surrender your reigns to Our Father. It's your only choice to find truth and freedom. It's your only option to find Love, Himself.

It's easy to conform to society and peers. It's comfortable, but it isn’t what you were made for. You’re capable of greatness because (and only because) of His grace.

Know that the closer you become to Jesus, the less hard these things become because your heart will start to mend to Jesus' heart. Jesus commands that you pray unceasingly. You’ll start to experience the Love that you were created for, before the Fall. His Cross is your Redemption to experiencing His Love and giving it to the world. The two most important commandments will start to seem much easier. 1. Love God above all. 2. Love your neighbor above yourself.
It takes sacrifice. It takes commitment, dedication, and a dying of self.
If anything on this Earth can give you the strength needed, it is Jesus in the Most Holy Eucharist. He wants to mend His flesh to our own. He is our Savior, and we are His Body.
It’s all about LOVE.

Never stop seeking Sainthood. I can’t promise that it will be easy, but I can promise that it is worth it. I find more things that I need to work on everyday, but Christ is so good. He forgives, He gifts, and He calms my heart. Love will take you out of “self” and bring you to Other. May Christ always be the “Other” to your love; you will always be His “other.” In the beauty of this Divine Romance, Christ calls us to greatness. "Fall in love; stay in love, and it will decide everything." –Fr. Pedro Arrupe